Add specification content to products in Spire CMS

  • Updated

Specifications are content sections that contain additional product information or data. These expandable and collapsible sections appear on the website on the product detail page where you can customize how they appear.

ISC_ContentAdmins and ISC_ContentEditors can create product specifications. If a user with the Content Editor role is not also a Content Approver, another user must approve their specifications.

  1. Go to Admin Console > Catalog > Products.
  2. Click Edit for the Product you want to add specifications to.
  3. Click the Specification tab.
  4. Click Add Specification to add a specification record to the Product.
  5. Enter the specification information:
    1. Name - A text field containing the name of the specification content area
    2. Description - A text field containing the description of the specification content area
    3. Active - A toggle that indicates if the specification content is active
    4. Sort Order - A numerical field that indicates the sort order of the specification content area
  6. Click Create Revision and enter the specification content in the editor. For more information on targeting content to a specific segment, device or language, see Targeted content in Spire.
  7. Click Save.
  8. To make the content available on the website, a Content Approver or Content Admin must click Publish.


Import specifications

Import specifications to add detail to multiple products fast. To import specifications, ensure products exist in the Admin Console.

  1. Go to Admin Console > Catalog > Products.
  2. Select Export to export the existing product list. Select Specifications from the export drop-down menu.
  3. Ensure the Name, Sort OrderDescription, Active, Category, and Current Default Content (Content.Html) columns are selected, then click Export.


    Selecting Category from the export screen produces; Category.Language, Category.Website, Category.Parent Category, and Category.Name.  Those fields are not required for an import of a specification and are not populated fields within the exported document. Not selecting the Category field will still allow you to import specifications.
    Product.Product Number Name Sort Order Description Active Content.Language Category.Website Category.Parent Category Category.Name Content.PublishToProductionOn Content.Html
    SME-LIS-789 SME-LIS-789 1 PackQty 1 en-us Revival Power Tools Grinders 5/13/2020 Your order quantity must be in multiples of the pk Qty in the Description
  4. Once the export is complete, select Download File.
  5. Open the export file. The Product Number column is the primary key and identifies the product when the spreadsheet is imported into the Admin Console.
  6. Add the name of the specification tab in the Description column.
  7. In the Current Default Content or Content.Html column, add the text the user sees in the specification section.
  8. To add more specification tabs for a product, create additional rows following the same schema.
  9. Save the export file, and ensure all cells are formatted as Text.
  10. Return to the Admin Console, and go to Catalog > Products.
  11. Select Import. Select Specifications from the import drop-down menu.
  12. Browse for and select the saved spreadsheet, then choose from the import options at the bottom of the screen. Ensure Update Existing Records is checked, and check other options as needed.
  13. Click Import.
  14. Once the import completes successfully, go to the website to view the updated content.