Verbose Logging for the DxH

  • Updated

This document will show the steps to enable verbose logging for the DxH to help troubleshoot a DxH connection that may not be working.


  1. Open up the CBSvcHost.exe.config file (Default location C:\Program Files (x86)\Ektron\DigitalxHub\ContextBusServiceHost\) 
  2. Find the section for loggingConfiguration 
  3. Under the listeners section add the following line.
  4. Find the categorySources tag  
  5. Add in  to the  section. It should look like below when completed.


  6. In the  ContextBusServiceHost folder, create a text file named TextFileListenerVerboseTrace.txt 
  7. Right Click on the file and go to security 
  8. Add the everyone group for the machine and allow full control 
  9. Restart the Ektron Context Bus Service 
  10. Look for messages in the  TextFileListenerVerboseTrace.txt file. 
  11. Once you are finished with the verbose logging, remove the keys and restart the service for performance reasons.