CMS publishing in CMP

  • Updated
Before you can use the features in this topic, an administrator must integrate Optimizely Content Management System (CMS) and Content Marketing Platform (CMP).

When you integrate CMS and CMP, the Add Content drop-down list in CMS includes a Channels section. If you have one or more CMS sites set up, you can select the site to which you want to publish content.

Create CMS content in CMP

  1. Select Create New from the channel you want to create CMS content in CMP. The Choose Template form displays.


    • Name – Enter a name for the page.
    • Destination – Select one of the destination aliases from the drop-down list.
    • Path – Select Destination > Browse All to select a folder from the content tree.
    • Language – Select one of the available languages for the CMS destination site you selected. Selecting a language makes it the primary language for that page.
    • Search Templates – Select one of the available page-type templates.


      CMS privileges apply to users and groups. For example, you can see only content types allowed for your user by CMS Access rights and Permissions.
  2. Click Select. The CMS editor displays in the CMP Content tab.
  3. You can access CMS blocks and other assets from the Select Content drop-down list. You can also edit the assets without leaving CMP.
  4. Click Done to exit editing. The updated page displays in the CMP Content tab.
    • You can access the content in CMS by selecting More (...) > Open in Content Management (assuming you have the correct permissions).
    • Selecting Delete removes the content from the CMP task and not from CMS.CMP+CMS-17.png

Select existing content from a CMS channel

When you select a channel from the Add Content drop-down list and click Select Existing, a CMS content tree displays. When you select a content tree item, the right panel displays the content. Click Add To Task when you are certain you are selecting the content you want to pull into CMP.


Manage content between CMS and CMP

You can access CMP content from CMS and CMS content in CMP. When you change a piece of content in either platform, it is reflected in the other platform.

CMS creates a corresponding project when you create a CMP task. For example, TSK 200 in CMP displays in the Project drop-down list of CMS.

The Update Credit Card Page (TSK-200) project has multiple pieces of content (Business Banking, Credit Cards, and Test page with docs team). You can perform project operations from the Options drop-down list.

CMP shows these pieces of content in the Content tab assets.

Content in multiple languages in CMP and CMS

Suppose content exists in more than one language. In that case, a tag displays next to the content in the content tree, indicating the primary language and the content's many additional languages. The following image shows US English as the primary language, with the content translated into three more languages.


If you have multiple translations of the same page and click Add to Task, a dialog box prompts you to select the language versions you want to import to the task. For example, if you are doing bulk approvals, you can create an English copy of the page, publish it, and then send it to a translation service that loads it into CMS in draft format.


Each item imports when you click Add To Task (n), where n is the number of languages selected. Successful imports are added to the task.


The following image shows the import of a Greek language asset to the Content tab of a task.
