Campaigns and discounts

  • Updated

Create campaigns to manage discounts for targeted marketing. You can assign a campaign to a specific market to serve local needs, or to all markets. You can also limit a campaign to members of selected visitor groups.

When you set up a campaign, define its essential information, such as active date range, target market, eligible visitor groups, and discounts.

View campaigns

To access your campaigns, go to Commerce > Marketing. This page displays each campaign's status and discounts. From here, you can create or edit existing campaigns and discounts.

Campaign status

The campaign view sorts campaigns by status (identifiable by color), described below:

  • Active (green) – Active checkbox is selected, Available from date is in the past, and Expires on date is in the future.
  • Scheduled (orange) – Active checkbox is selected, but Available from date is in the future.
  • Expired (red) – Active checkbox is selected, but Expires on date is in the past.
  • Inactive (gray) – Active checkbox is not selected.

Campaign discounts

Each discount has an icon that illustrates the discount type, described below:

  • Cart icon – Order discount
  • Vehicle icon – Shipping discount
  • Box icon – Item discount

Campaign orders and redemptions

Each campaign displays the number of orders that include discounts in the Total Orders column. If an order has multiple discounts that belong to different campaigns, that order increases each campaign's total.

Each discount displays the total numbers of orders including it and the number of redemptions for that discount in the Redemptions column. For example, if a discount provides 20% off all sweatshirts, an order containing three sweatshirts counts as one redemption, and three orders including at least one sweatshirt counts as three discounts.

These numbers do not update in real time, and only update when the Collect orders per promotion statistics scheduled job runs.

Canceled orders do not display in the campaign view.

Filter campaigns

Use the Campaign Status, Discount Type, and Market drop-down lists to filter you campaigns. You can also search by campaign or discount titles.

Create a campaign

  1. Go to CommerceMarketing.
  2. Select Create New > Campaign.
  3. Enter a name for the campaign and click OK.
  4. Complete the following fields:
    • Name – Displays the campaign name you entered in step 3, which you can edit. This name displays on the campaign view and on dialogs where users select campaigns.
    • Description – Enter a description of the campaign for internal reference.
    • Available from – Select the date and time when the campaign is available.

      The time refers to local time on the Optimizely server and does not account for customers in other time zones. For example, you set a campaign to expire at 11:00 PM in Sweden, the campaign expires at 2:00 PM for a customer in California.

    • Expires on – Select the date and time when the campaign is no longer available.
    • Active – Select the checkbox to make the campaign active, or deselect the checkbox to make it inactive.
    • Target markets – Select one or more target markets.
      • If you choose one or more markets, only customers in those markets are eligible to receive this campaign's discounts.
      • If you create a discount for this campaign that involves an amount reduction, the list of currencies is determined by the active currencies for countries in the selected markets.
    • Revenue goal – Specify a revenue goal at which the campaign is considered successful.
    • Code – Enter a tracking code for campaign analytics.
      • This tracking code is only a data property. For example, you can use a Google Analytics tracking code, then save the code for your campaign to map the data later. Optimizely Commerce Connect does not use the tracking code for any internal functionality.
      • By default, the code is not stored with the order after checkout. But you can get promotions from IOrderForm.Promotions, then get their campaigns and tracking codes.
    • Visitor groups – Select visitor groups to limit this campaign and its discounts. For information, see Commerce Connect-specific visitor group criteria.

      If you select more than two visitor groups, hover your cursor over the ellipsis to see them all.

    • Discounts – See Discounts.

Manage campaigns and discounts

To edit a campaign, select the campaign name or click More Options > Edit. You can also expand More Options to add discounts or delete the campaign.

To edit a discount, select the discount name or click More Options > Edit. You can also expand More Options to copy, cut, or delete a discount. After you copy a discount, add it to another campaign by clicking More Options > Paste.

When you delete a campaign, all discounts on that campaign are also deleted, which you cannot undo.