Built-in discounts

  • Updated

Optimizely Commerce Connect provides many built-in discounts that you can use.


Item discounts

Cheapest Items For Free

Buy at least X eligible items, and get the cheapest Y items for free.

This discount has two sections: 

  • Buy at least X items – The number of items, categories, and products from which customers may pick. For more information on discount-eligible items, see Select discount-eligible items.
  • Get the cheapest Y for free – The number of items that are free.

This discount supports multiples. If a promotion is "Buy at least 5 eligible items, and get the cheapest 1 item for free," and a customer buys 10 items, they get 2 free items. You can limit this factor by applying redemption limits.

Example: Buy at least 10 eligible products, get the cheapest 3 for free.

Sample order before discount

Product Quantity Cost per product Line total
White shirt 5 $5.00 $25.00
Blue shirt 3 $10.00 $30.00
Yellow shirt 3 $15.00 $45.00
Total cost of order = $100.00

After discount

Product Quantity Cost per product Line total
White shirt 5 $5.00 $10.00; 3 of 5 shirts are free
Blue shirt 3 $10.00 $30.00
Yellow shirt 3 $15.00 $45.00
Total cost of order = $85.00


Most Expensive Items For Free

Buy at least X eligible items, and get the most expensive Y items for free. For example, if an order includes 5 hardcover books, the most expensive one is free.

This discount has two sections: 

  • Buy at least X items – The number of items, categories, and products from which customers may pick. For more information on discount-eligible items, see Select discount-eligible items.
  • Get most expensive Y for free – The number of items that are free.

This discount supports multiples. If a promotion is "Buy at least 5 eligible items, and get the most expensive 1 item for free," and a customer buys 10 items, they get 2 free items. You can limit this factor by applying redemption limits.

Buy Products for Fixed Price

Buy a fixed number of items from selected categories for a set price.

This discount has two sections: 

  • Buy at least X items – The number of items, categories, and products from which customers may pick. For more information on discount-eligible items, see Select discount-eligible items.
  • Receive catalog entries at fixed price – A fixed price for each currency. Discounts only apply to currencies with amounts.
    The list of currencies is determined by the campaign's target market.

The discount is applied only if the fixed price is less than the items' cost. For example, you create a fixed price discount: Buy 2 from Top-Tunics for $250.

  • Buyer A selects two items: $150 each, $300 total. The discount is applied because the fixed price ($250) is less than the $300 total.
  • Buyer B selects two items: $100 each, $200 total. The discount is not applied because the fixed price ($250) exceeds the $200 total.

Buy Products for Discount from Other Selection

Buy from a group of items to get a discount on a second group of items. For example, customers who purchase a winter coat get a 30% discount on scarves, gloves, and hats. There is no relationship between the two sets of items.

This discount has three sections: 

  • Buy at least X items – The number of items, categories, and products from which customers may pick. For more information on discount-eligible items, see Select discount-eligible items.
  • Get... these entries – Items that are discounted. Click Options on an item to edit, move up, or move down. A product's position does not effect on how discounts are processed.
  • At the following discount – How to calculate the discount.
    • Percentage off – The discount as a percentage of the items' cost.
    • Amount off – A discount amount for each eligible currency. Discounts only apply to currencies with amounts.
    The list of currencies is determined by the campaign's target market.

Buy Products for Discount on All Selections

Buy a number of selected items and get a discount on all items. For example, purchase 2 or more long-sleeved shirts and get a 15% discount on all long-sleeved shirts. The discount can be an amount or a percentage.

This discount has the following sections: 

  • Buy at least X items – The minimum number of items, categories, and products from which customers must pick. For more information on discount-eligible items, see Select discount-eligible items. Click Options on an item to edit, move up, or move down. A product's position does not effect how discounts are processed.
  • At the following discount – How to calculate the discount.
    • Percentage off – The discount as a percentage of the items' cost.
    • Amount off – A discount amount for each eligible currency. Discounts only apply to currencies with amounts.
    The list of currencies is determined by the campaign's target market.

Buy Products for Discount in Same Category

When creating this discount, you select a category, then a discount amount or percentage. The discount applies to all items in that category and its subcategories.

When calculating redemption limits, this discount counts each eligible item as 1. For example, if the order redemption limit is 5, and a shopper purchases 10 items in the selected category or subcategories, the discount only applies to 5 items. This is different from the way that Commerce Connect typically handles redemption limits, where item quantity does not affect them.

This discount has the following sections:

  • Buy from – A category in which all items and subcategories are eligible for the discount.
  • At the following discount – How to calculate the discount.
    • Percentage off – The discount as a percentage of the items' cost.
    • Amount off – A discount amount for each eligible currency. Discounts only apply to currencies with amounts.
    The list of currencies is determined by the campaign's target market.

Spend for Discounted Selection

Spend a minimum amount to get a discount on selected items. For example, spend at least $100 and get 10% off all belts. The discount can be an amount or a percentage.

The second group of items is independent of the first group. You have total flexibility in determining both groups.

This discount has three sections:

  • Spend at least – A minimum order amount needed to qualify for the shipping discount. This section displays all currencies for the campaign's target market. Enter a minimum qualifying amount for each eligible currency. If if you do enter an amount, the discount is not available in that currency.
  • Get... these entries – Items that are discounted. Click Options on an item to edit, move up, or move down. A product's position does not effect how discounts are processed. Use Limit number of discounted items to set a maximum number of discount-eligible items, if desired.
  • At the following discount – How to calculate the discount.
    • Percentage off – The discount as a percentage of the items' cost.
    • Amount off – A discount amount for each eligible currency. Discounts only apply to currencies with amounts.
    The list of currencies is determined by the campaign's target market.

Spend for Free Items

Spend a minimum amount on an order and get free items.

This discount has two sections:

  • Spend at least – A minimum qualifying amount for each eligible currency. If no amount is entered, the discount is not available for that currency.
  • Get free items – Variants/SKUs or packages that are automatically added to an order when the minimum amount is spent. Select a product multiple times to give it away more than once.

Buy 1 Get Y

Customer buys 1 and gets something for free.

This discount has two sections:

  • Buys at least one item from – Select which items customers must buy from to get the discount. You can add content from Category, Product, Variant/SKU, Package, or Catalog.
    Buy at least 1 item.png
  • And gets free – Select Same as customer SKU(s) to give customers the same item for free, or use Define free SKU(s) - variants/packages only to select other items for customers to get free.
    And gets free.png

You can exclude catalog items from this promotion.
Discount exclusions.png

You can also set Redemption Limits to set the number of times customers can redeem the discount. If you increase the limit during a campaign, the previous redemptions are kept.

Order discounts

Spend for Discount on Order

Spend a minimum amount to get a discount on an entire order. The order total excludes shipping and taxes. If a customer applies another discount first, this discount only applies when the order total reaches the minimum after the first discount. This discount is usually limited to once per order.

For example, you create the discount "Spend at least $1000 and get $100 discount off total order amount" but set no redemption limits. If a customer purchases $2000 worth of items, a discount of $200 is applied. To limit the discount to $100, set a redemption limit of 1.

This discount has two sections: 

  • Spend at least – A minimum order value for each currency for which you want to provide a discount. If you do not enter an amount for a currency, no discount is available for it.
  • At the following discount – How to calculate the discount.
    • Percentage off – The discount as a percentage of the items' cost.
    • Amount off – A discount amount for each eligible currency. Discounts only apply to currencies with amounts.
    The list of currencies is determined by the campaign's target market.

Buy Products and Get Discount on Order

Buy a number of products and reduce the cost of the order. You determine which products are eligible.

This discount has two sections:

  • Buy at least X items – The number of items, categories, and products from which customers may pick. For more information on discount-eligible items, see Select discount-eligible items.
  • Get the following discount – The discount as an amount or a percentage.

Shipping discounts

Spend for Discount on Shipping Cost

Spend a minimum amount on an order and get discounted shipping costs. You choose which shipping methods qualify. Consider setting a redemption limit of 1 for this discount.

For example, you create the discount "Spend at least $100 and get 25% off shipping cost" but set no redemption limits. If a customer purchases $200 worth of items, they get a 25% discount for each $100, equaling a 50% discount. To limit the discount to 25%, set an order redemption limit of 1.

This discount has three sections:

  • Spend at least – A minimum order amount needed to qualify for the shipping discount. This section displays all currencies for the campaign's target market. Enter a minimum qualifying amount for each eligible currency. If you do not enter an amount, the discount is not available in that currency.
  • Get selected shipping methods – Shipping method eligible for a discount. This section displays all enabled shipping methods for a campaign's target market. Preceding each method is its market.
  • At the following discount – How to calculate the discount.
    • Percentage off – The discount as a percentage of the items' cost.
    • Amount off – A discount amount for each eligible currency. Discounts only apply to currencies with amounts.
    The list of currencies is determined by the campaign's target market.

Buy Products for Discount on Shipping Cost

Buy a minimum number of items to get a reduction in shipping cost. For example, buy at least 3 shirts and get 25% off shipping. You determine which shipping methods are eligible. Consider setting a redemption limit of 1 for this discount.

This discount has three sections:

  • Buy at least X items – The number of items, categories, and products from which customers may pick. For more information on discount-eligible items, see Select discount-eligible items.
  • Get selected shipping methods – Shipping method eligible for a discount. This section displays all enabled shipping methods for a campaign's target market. Preceding each method is its market.
  • At the following discount – How to calculate the discount.
    • Percentage off – The discount as a percentage of the items' cost.
    • Amount off – A discount amount for each eligible currency. Discounts only apply to currencies with amounts.
    The list of currencies is determined by the campaign's target market.

Buy Products for Free Shipping

Buy a minimum number of items to get free shipping. For example, buy at least 3 ties and get free shipping. You determine which shipping methods are eligible.

This discount has two sections:

  • Buy at least X items – The number of items, categories, and products from which customers may pick. For more information on discount-eligible items, see Select discount-eligible items.
  • Get selected shipping methods – Shipping method for this discount. This section displays all enabled shipping methods for a campaign's target market. Preceding each method is its market.

Spend for Free Shipping

Spend a minimum amount of money to get free shipping. For example, spend $100 and get free shipping. You determine which shipping methods are eligible.

This discount has two sections:

  • Spend at least – A minimum order amount needed to qualify for free shipping. This section displays all currencies for the campaign's target market. Enter a minimum qualifying amount for each eligible currency. If you do not enter an amount, the discount is not available in that currency
  • Get selected shipping methods – Shipping method for this discount. This section displays all enabled shipping methods for a campaign's target market. Preceding each method is its market.