Integrating with YouTube lets you share video posts in the Content Marketing Platform (CMP), approve them for publication, and immediately share them through the YouTube widget. You can upload video files up to 5GB and enter a title of up to 100 characters.
In this article, you will learn how to publish content on YouTube.
Go to the Publishing tab and click Add Channel. From the drop-down, select your YouTube channel for publishing.
The publishing widget displays fields for you to complete before publishing. The YouTube publishing widget has two parts. The left part lets you enter details, and the right part shows a preview of the post on YouTube.
Select channel – You can select from multiple YouTube channels using the arrow beside the channel name.
Video title – Enter the title of the video to display on YouTube.
Video – Select the video to publish on YouTube.
Video Thumbnail – Click Add Image to select a custom thumbnail image for the post from Marketplace, the library, the task, or your device. By default, YouTube uses the video's first frame as a thumbnail image. However, you can upload a custom thumbnail of up to 2MB. The suggested thumbnail size is 1280 x 720 pixels.
Video description – Enter text of up to 5000 characters for your post.
Video caption – You can optionally enter subtitle files so viewers can enable video subtitles. The formats supported are: .cap .dfxp .lrc .mpsub .rt .sami .sbv .smi .srt .sub .ttml .vtt
Playlist – You can add the video to a specific playlist by selecting one from the drop-down list.
Category – You can identify your posts by selecting various categories populated from YouTube.
Tags – Enter tags so that video can display in related searches.
Choose privacy settings – Select one of the following options.
- Public – Anyone can see or share public videos on YouTube. You post them on your channel when you upload them, and they appear in search results and related video lists.
- Private – Private videos can be seen only by you and the people you choose. They will not appear to others who visit the Videos tab of your channel page and will not appear in YouTube's search results.
- Unlisted – Unlisted videos and playlists can be seen and shared by anyone with the link. However, your unlisted videos will not appear to others visiting your channel page's Videos tab.
Schedule your post – YouTube posts are published upon completion by default, but you can click Schedule for Later to set a date and time for future publishing.
Click Save to return to the Publishing tab.
Click Publish to publish immediately or when it is scheduled to be published.
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