Keyword-triggered SMS campaigns

  • Updated
If you had access to campaigns prior to April 2023, Optimizely updated the tab name from Campaigns to Activation. All functionality remains the same.

Optimizely Data Platform (ODP) allows you to create automated SMS campaigns that are triggered by keywords in text messages your customers send you. You can use keyword-triggered SMS campaigns to automate your responses (like support requests) or to allow your customers to opt-in to lists, such as for hobbies, interests and concerns.  

This guide shows how to set up a keyword-triggered campaign that responds with a link to your support page when your customers text you "support."

Create filter for incoming SMS keyword

Step 1: Create new filter

Create a new filter for incoming text messages that contain the word "support."

  1. Click the three-dot icon next to Activation.
  2. Select Filters > Create New Filter.


Step 2: Configure filter

  1. Name your filter SMS Engagement - Support.
  2. Select Account for Visibility.
  3. Select Events for Feed.
  4. Set up your filter definition as follows:
    • Event Type = sms
    • Event Action = engage
    • Campaign Event Value ≈ support 
      • Make sure to use matches as the operator, instead of equal, to avoid issues with capitalization.
  5. Save your filter.


Create confirmation message

Create a new behavioral campaign that sends the reply to your customers' text messages.  

Step 1: Set up New Campaign

  1. Create a new behavioral campaign.
  2. Click Create From Scratch.
  3. Under Enrollment, select Customers that trigger an event.
  4. Select your newly created SMS Engagement - Support filter.

Step 2: Create your SMS 

  1. Add SMS as your first touchpoint.
  2. Compose your SMS and add a link to your support page.


Step 3: Launch your SMS campaign

Once your SMS is ready, go live with your campaign. Whenever your customers text you "support," your automated campaign will send them a reply with a link to your support page.