Holiday recipes

  • Updated

We created Holiday Recipes to make your preparation for the Black Friday/Cyber Monday (BFCM) peak shopping season faster and easier. With these recipes, you can choose from the selector, add your edits, and launch in a matter of minutes.

Setup and recommendations 

To get the best out of these recipes, consider the following setup instructions and recommendations:

  • Update content in the square brackets
    Many places in the recipes’ emails and text messages have messaging for you to personalize, indicated in square brackets. Update these before you go live.

  • Check the subject lines
    While we created emails’ subject lines, you may prefer to update them with your own.
  • Show specific sets of products in your dynamic grids
    Add more specificity to your dynamic grids with product filters based on Product Name, Brand, and so on. If you are using Shopify, you can use Shopify Product Type. Watch our video to learn how to create a product filter.
  • If you have an Optimizely SMS subscription
    You will find Liquid for your website URL, defined under Settings, in the drafts of text messages. Update the link in the message or add additional parameters to it.

  • If you do not have an Optimizely SMS subscription
    Some campaigns have two versions, Email-only and Email & SMS. If you are not subscribed to Optimizely’s SMS solution and install an Email & SMS recipe, you will not see the SMS channel and touchpoint in the campaign. You will be able to customize and send your email touchpoint.

Choose your recipes

You will find the recipes under the One-Time, Behavioral, and Web campaign types while creating a new campaign. Most of them will be under One-Time campaigns, with the exception of Exclusive BFCM Deals - Pt. 1 (Web), Exclusive BFCM Deals - Pt. 2 (Email), and Exclusive BFCM Deals - Pt. 2 (Email, SMS) (under Behavioral).

These recipes have a Holiday tag with a shopping bag emoji in their descriptions.

Use our overview and additional recommendations for the Holiday Recipes to get the best of out of them.


Exclusive BFCM Deals - Pt. 1


This recipe contains a web modal, which is the first part of the three-part campaign, Exclusive BFCM Deals. The campaign consists of:

  1. A web campaign containing a web modal for collecting signups for your exclusive Black Friday/Cyber Monday promotion.
  2. A behavioral campaign with an email that confirms to your shoppers that they have opted into your exclusive Black Friday/Cyber Monday promotion.
  3. A one-time campaign with an email that sends your opted-in shoppers special offers as part of your exclusive Black Friday/Cyber Monday promotion.

Shoppers who submit the form in this web modal want to get special deals and offers from you during the holiday season and are more comfortable with you sending them additional messages at this time compared to other customers. This web campaign provides you with a segment of shoppers you can email or text more frequently than your other shoppers.

As you are customizing the recipe to your needs, update the confirmation message of the web modal.



Exclusive BFCM Deals - Pt. 2 (Email)


This recipe contains a behavioral campaign with an email touchpoint, which is the second part of the three-part campaign, Exclusive BFCM Deals. This campaign consists of:

  1. A web campaign containing a web modal for collecting signups for your exclusive Black Friday/Cyber Monday promotion.
  2. A behavioral campaign with an email that confirms to your shoppers that they have opted into your exclusive Black Friday/Cyber Monday promotion.
  3. A one-time campaign with an email that sends your opted-in shoppers special offers as part of your exclusive Black Friday/Cyber Monday promotion.

The purpose of this behavioral campaign is to confirm your shoppers’ membership to your Exclusive Black Friday/Cyber Monday Deals promotion.

Under Enrollment, the campaign is triggered by a filter, Black Friday VIP Opt-in. This filter is automatically configured when you install this recipe. You can view the definition of this filter under FiltersCampaign=Exclusive_BFCM_Deals__Pt_1. This ensures that the filter captures people who opted into communications from your brand by having submitted the web modal in the previous campaign, Exclusive BFCM Deals - Pt. 1.


The campaign name in the filter definition should match the name of your web campaign that contains your web modal for collecting opt-ins. If you renamed the default name of the campaign (Exclusive BFCM Deals - Pt. 1), you must update the campaign name in the filter’s definition accordingly. For instance, if you installed the campaign and renamed it to My Exclusive Black Friday Deal Pt. 1, you must update the filter to reflect that title change.  

You will not be able to preview your email until you have captured people in the web modal. (Remember, this campaign is triggered by a filter.) To preview your email, you must launch the Exclusive BFCM Deals - Pt. 1 first and submit the form in your web modal. The filter will capture this submission event and your email will become available for preview.


Exclusive BFCM Deals - Pt. 2 (Email, SMS) 


This recipe contains a behavioral campaign with an email and an SMS touchpoint, which is the second part of the three-part campaign, Exclusive BFCM Deals. This campaign consists of:

  1. A web campaign containing a web modal for collecting signups for your exclusive Black Friday/Cyber Monday promotion.
  2. A behavioral campaign with an email that confirms to your shoppers that they have opted into your exclusive Black Friday/Cyber Monday promotion.
  3. A one-time campaign with an email that sends your opted-in shoppers special offers as part of your exclusive Black Friday/Cyber Monday promotion.

The purpose of this behavioral campaign is to confirm your shoppers’ membership to your Exclusive Black Friday/Cyber Monday Deals promotion.

Under Enrollment, this campaign is triggered by a filter, Black Friday VIP Opt-in. This filter is automatically configured when you install this recipe. You can view the definition of this filter under FiltersCampaign=Exclusive_BFCM_Deals__Pt_1. This ensures that the filter captures people who opted into communications from your brand by having submitted the web modal in the previous campaign, Exclusive BFCM Deals - Pt. 1.


The campaign name in the filter definition should match the name of your web campaign that contains your web modal for collecting opt-ins. If you renamed the default name of the campaign (Exclusive BFCM Deals - Pt. 1), you must update the campaign name in the filter’s definition accordingly. For instance, if you installed the Exclusive BFCM Deals - Pt. 1 campaign and renamed it to My Exclusive Black Friday Deal Pt. 1, you must update the filter to reflect that title change.

When you switch to the SMS touchpoint, the message copy contains a placeholder for your brand’s name and Liquid for your website.

You will not be able to preview your email and SMS until you have captured people in the web modal because the campaign is triggered by a filter. To preview your email, launch the Exclusive BFCM Deals - Pt. 1 and submit the form in your web modal. The filter captures this submission event, and you can preview your email and SMS.


Exclusive BFCM Deals - Pt. 3 (Email)


This recipe is a one-time campaign with an email touchpoint. This is the third part of the three-part campaign, Exclusive BFCM Deals. This campaign consists of:

  1. A web campaign containing a web modal for collecting signups for your exclusive Black Friday/Cyber Monday promotion.
  2. A behavioral campaign with an email that confirms to your shoppers that they have opted into your exclusive Black Friday/Cyber Monday promotion.
  3. A one-time campaign with an email that sends your opted-in shoppers special offers as part of your exclusive Black Friday/Cyber Monday promotion.

Use this campaign to send exclusive offers to your segment of shoppers who opted into your Black Friday/Cyber Monday promotion. This email is just one example of a special deal you can use for your shoppers. You can add as many follow-on messages as you wish.

The email contains a dynamic grid with Optimizely Data Platform (ODP) Recommendations. Similar to the email in Part 2, we recommend that you apply product filters to your recommendations to make them more specific. If you are a Shopify user, you could apply a Shopify Product Type, clone the dynamic grid, then update the product filter with another Shopify Product Type so you have multiple sections offering different types of products. For example, you could show “Jackets & Coats” in one section and “Shirts & Tops” in the next.


Exclusive BFCM Deals - Pt. 3 (Email, SMS)


This recipe is a one-time campaign with an email and an SMS touchpoint. This is the third part of the three-part campaign, Exclusive BFCM Deals. This campaign consists of:

  1. A web campaign containing a web modal for collecting signups for your exclusive Black Friday/Cyber Monday promotion.
  2. A behavioral campaign with an email that confirms to your shoppers that they have opted into your exclusive Black Friday/Cyber Monday promotion.
  3. A one-time campaign with an email that sends your opted-in shoppers special offers as part of your exclusive Black Friday/Cyber Monday promotion.

Use this campaign to send exclusive offers via email and SMS to your segment of shoppers who opted into your Black Friday/Cyber Monday promotion. You can also add as many follow-on messages as you wish.

The email contains a dynamic grid with ODP Recommendations. Similar to the email in Part 2, we recommend that you apply product filters to your recommendations to make them more specific. If you are a Shopify user, you could apply a Shopify Product Type, clone the dynamic grid, then update the product filter with another Shopify Product Type so you have multiple sections offering different types of products. For example, you could show “Jackets & Coats” in one section and “Shirts & Tops” in the next.

The SMS contains a placeholder for your brand’s name and Liquid for your website.


Flash Sale for Discount Users (Email)


Use this one-time campaign to target shoppers who use discounts codes by using a segment of shoppers whose Discount Usage is Always and Sometimes.

If you plan to use a discount code for this campaign, update the copy to include it.

If you are a Shopify user, you can apply a Product Type filter to your dynamic grid, clone it, and have a dynamic grid for each product type you want to promote. For instance, you can offer ODP Recommendations for “Jackets & Coats” in one section and “Shirts & Tops” in the next.


Flash Sale for Discount Users (Email, SMS)


Use this one-time, omnichannel campaign to target shoppers who use discounts codes by using a segment of shoppers whose Discount Usage is Always and Sometimes. This campaign is omnichannel and sends your email and SMS at the same time on the same touchpoint.

If you plan to use a discount code for this campaign, update the copy to include it.

If you are a Shopify user, you can apply a Product Type filter to your dynamic grid inside your email, clone it, and have a dynamic grid for each product type you want to promote. For instance, you can offer ODP Recommendations for “Jackets & Coats” in one section and “Shirts & Tops” in the next.

Your SMS copy contains placeholders for your brand’s name, your discount code, and your site’s URL.


Flash Sale to Nudge Shoppers (Email)


This one-time campaign allows you to reach shoppers who are on the verge of purchasing from your brand. The campaign targets shoppers whose Order Likelihood is Likely, Very Likely, or Extremely Likely.

If you are a Shopify user, make this Flash Sale email specific to a product type by applying a Product Type filter to your dynamic grid inside your email. You can also apply any other type of product filter, like brand name or price range.



Flash Sale to Nudge Shoppers (Email, SMS)


This one-time, omnichannel campaign allows you to reach shoppers who are on the verge of purchasing from your brand. The campaign targets shoppers whose Order Likelihood is Likely, Very Likely, or Extremely Likely.

If you are a Shopify user, make this Flash Sale email specific to a product type by applying a Product Type filter to your dynamic grid inside your email. You can also apply any other type of product filter, like brand name or price range.


Your SMS copy contains placeholders for your brand’s name and your site’s URL.


Seasonal Gift Shoppers (Email)


Capture your seasonal gift shoppers (who only buy from your brand during the holiday season) with this one-time campaign that uses a dynamic grid with Best Selling Products.

The Best Selling Product dynamic grid looks back at the past year, but you can change the timeframe.

By default, the recipe’s segment targets shoppers who have not purchased from your brand between January 1 and October 31 but did purchase between November 1 and December 31. You can update the segment if you have different seasonal shoppers. For instance, you could include those shoppers who buy from your brand around Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, or Father’s Day.


7 Days until Black Friday (Email)


A countdown email can get your shoppers excited for your Black Friday/Cyber Monday sales. You can use this as a single message or install the 3-day and 1-day countdown emails to add more excitement.

The email contains a dynamic grid with ODP Recommendations. Apply product filters to your recommendations to limit what products your email shows. If you are a Shopify user, you can use a Product Type filter to make your recommendations product-specific.


7 Days until Black Friday (Email, SMS)7_Days_until_Black_Friday__Email__SMS__.png

A countdown campaign can get your shoppers excited for your Black Friday/Cyber Monday sales. This campaign is omnichannel, containing an email and an SMS. You can use these as single messages or install the 3-day and 1-day countdown email and SMS campaigns to add more excitement.

The email contains a dynamic grid with ODP Recommendations. Apply product filters to your recommendations to limit what products your email shows. If you are a Shopify user, you can use a Product Type filter to make your recommendations product-specific.

Do not forget to update your brand's name in the SMS copy.


3 Days until Black Friday (Email)


A countdown email can get your shoppers excited for your Black Friday/Cyber Monday sales. You can use this as a single message or install the 7-day and 1-day countdown emails to add more excitement.

The email contains a dynamic grid with ODP Recommendations. Apply product filters to your recommendations to limit what products your email shows. If you are a Shopify user, you can use a Product Type filter to make your recommendations product-specific.


3 Days until Black Friday (Email, SMS)


A countdown campaign can get your shoppers excited for your Black Friday/Cyber Monday sales. This campaign is omnichannel, containing an email and an SMS. You can use these as single messages or install the 7-day and 1-day countdown email and SMS campaigns to add more excitement.

The email contains a dynamic grid with ODP Recommendations. Apply product filters to your recommendations to limit what products your email shows. If you are a Shopify user, you can use a Product Type filter to make your recommendations product-specific.

Do not forget to update your brand's name in the SMS copy.


1 Day until Black Friday (Email)


A countdown email can get your shoppers excited for your Black Friday/Cyber Monday sales. You can use this as a single message or install the 7-day and 3-day countdown emails to add more excitement.

The email contains a dynamic grid with ODP Recommendations. Apply product filters to your recommendations to limit what products your email shows. If you are a Shopify user, you can use a Product Type filter to make your recommendations product-specific.


1 Day until Black Friday (Email, SMS)


A countdown campaign can get your shoppers excited for your Black Friday/Cyber Monday sales. This campaign is omnichannel, containing an email and an SMS. You can use these as single messages or install the 7-day and 3-day countdown email and SMS campaigns to add more excitement.

The email contains a dynamic grid with ODP Recommendations. Apply product filters to your recommendations to limit what products your email shows. If you are a Shopify user, you can use a Product Type filter to make your recommendations product-specific.

Do not forget to update your brand's name in the SMS copy.