Timeline calendar

  • Updated

The timeline calendar view lets you plan long-term activity with a Gantt chart view to maintain a single, long-term, comprehensive view of marketing campaigns, events, and supporting content activity. You also have a holistic view of tasks and events, letting users see where they should focus their efforts.

Select Plan > Timeline to access the timeline calendar.

View campaigns, sub-campaigns, tasks and events

The default view shows a listing of the campaigns and any related sub-campaigns, tasks, or events that fall within the current quarter. You can open or close campaigns and sub-campaigns by clicking the arrow to the left of the campaign. You can also expand all or collapse all with the top arrow carrot to the left of the Title column.


A red dot represents Overdue.

Click Show Campaign Hierarchy to display the hierarchy and the parent campaign, even when applying search criteria, filters, and more. Deselect Show Campaign Hierarchy to see a flat view of the timeline.

Customize your view

  • Use the header date picker to adjust the dates and select the date range.

  • You can also use the Date Range filter panel option to adjust the date range.

  • Zoom in or out to update the display options showing day, week, month, or quarter intervals.

  • You can color the timeline calendar by campaign or single-select labels.
  • Dates can shift in marketing, so you can drag and drop the bars to adjust the timeline. Forward and backward scheduling alerts may pop up if the shift impacts task or step due dates.
  • You can drag and drop rows, if campaigns, tasks, or events to re-order or place in another initiative.

View Today

Click Today to see where your activities line up to the current day to focus and align with relevant activities.

Review status and update plan

Hover over the campaign, task or event to see more details (title, campaign, steps, assigned user, and task state).


Save the timeline calendar to a CSV or PDF file

Open the option menu (...) and select Download as CSV or Download as PDF to export the calendar. 
