
  • Updated

In Optimizely Content Marketing Platform (CMP), you can set campaign budgets to track the costs of your team's activities. This lets you track how much you spend on marketing activities using external dollars.


Use budgeting

  1. Create a campaign and set the Budget amount. The Details tab of the campaign shows how much you have spent so far and how much is available.

    Budget Amount Available.png

  2. Add tasks and set budget amounts for them. As you add tasks to the campaign, the forecasted spend amount changes for the campaign.

    Forecasted Amount.png

  3. Add invoices to tasks to track the amount your team spends.

    Add Invoice.png

    1. Go to Financials > Add Invoice
    2. Search for or create a vendor.
    3. Add the Invoice Number and Invoice Amount.
    4. (Optional) Add a description.
    5. (Optional) Upload any attachments, such as purchase orders or related documents.
    6. Click Save Invoice.
  4. Add payment information when your team pays the invoice. Add Payment.png
    1. Click More (...) beside the invoice and click Add Payment.
    2. Enter the Payment Date and Payment Amount.
    3. (Optional) Add any Additional Notes.
    4. (Optional) Upload any documentation, such as contracts or quotes.
    5. Click Save Payment.
  5. Go to the Financials tab in the campaign to see information such as the Planned AmountTotal Invoices, and Total Payments for each task and the entire campaign.

    Financials Tab.png