The Analytics view measures content performance and how content contributes to overall business goals, from first-touch to closed-won revenue.
Content analytics
Articles Viewed – The number of articles that registered one or more page views during the reporting period.
If a visitor views the same article multiple times, it counts as one article. Optimizely Content Marketing Platform (CMP) JavaScript stores the article ID when a visitor loads the page; if there is no JavaScript, the pixel captures this data.
- Pixel published on article page (required)
- CMP JavaScript on page (recommended but not required)
Pageviews – The number of page views received during the reporting period across articles.
Each time a visitor loads the page, CMP counts an additional page view. CMP JavaScript stores the article ID and increments the page view count when a visitor loads the page; if there is no JavaScript, the pixel captures this data.
- Pixel published on article page (required)
- CMP JavaScript on page (recommended but not required)
Unique Visitors – The number of unique individuals who visited articles during the reporting period.
If a visitor visits more than one article, they are only counted once in this total. CMP JavaScript stores the article ID and assigns a visitor a unique identifier throughout their session; if there is no JavaScript, the pixel captures the user's IP address and user agent, identifying unique visitors.
- Pixel published on article page (required)
- CMP JavaScript on page (recommended but not required)
Attention Time – The average time a user has engaged on an article page.
CMP bases this calculation on engaged time: it sums the engaged time of users and divides the sum by the number of page views. The CMP JavaScript captures the engaged time, which fires an event if a visitor has the page in focus and has scrolled or moved the cursor in the last 5 seconds. After 5 seconds of not moving the mouse or not looking at the page (perhaps the user is in another window or tab), CMP subtracts the current time from when the user started being engaged.
For example, if a user loaded the page, scrolled or moved the mouse for 7 seconds, then stopped to get some water, the total engaged time would be 12 seconds because they were active for 7, and it assumes you were active the last 5 seconds.
- Pixel published on article page (required)
- CMP JavaScript on the page (required)
Engagement Rate – The percentage of page views where users engaged content for over 30 seconds.
CMP bases this calculation on engaged time: it divides the sum of page views where engaged time was more than 30 seconds by the total number of page views, multiplied by 100. The CMP JavaScript captures the engaged time, which fires an event if a visitor has the page in focus and has scrolled or moved the cursor in the last 5 seconds. After 5 seconds of not moving the mouse or not looking at the page (perhaps the user is in another window or tab), CMP subtracts the current time from when the user started being engaged.
For example, if a user loaded the page, scrolled or moved the mouse for 7 seconds, then stopped to get some water, the total engaged time would be 12 seconds because they were active for 7, and it assumes you were active the last 5 seconds.
- Pixel published on article page (required)
- CMP JavaScript on the page (required)
You can customize channel groupings by contacting your CMP technical consultant. The default channel groupings are:
Direct – When a user types in a URL or visits a site based on a bookmark, this is considered direct traffic. Additionally, traffic is categorized as direct at any other time that a referrer cannot be detected (such as a link within a document or from a chat system). CMP captures this in the following way (and is case-sensitive).
Source exactly matches direct AND
Medium exactly matches (not set)
Medium exactly matches (none)Required:
- Pixel published on the article page
- CMP JavaScript on page
Display – Traffic from display advertising, such as banner ads, is categorized as display traffic. CMP captures this in the following way (and is case-sensitive).
Medium matches regex ^(display|cpm|banner)$ OR Ad Distribution Network exactly matches Content
- Pixel published on the article page
- CMP JavaScript on page
Email – Email traffic is views that originate from emails containing links to your website. CMP captures this in the following way (and is case-sensitive).
Medium exactly matches email
- Pixel published on the article page
- CMP JavaScript on page
Organic Search – This traffic is defined as visitors coming from a search engine, such as Google or Bing. Organic traffic relates to SEO: the more organic results you get, the better you rank for impactful keywords. CMP captures this in the following way (and is case-sensitive).
Medium exactly matches organic
- Pixel published on the article page
- CMP JavaScript on page
Other – When the medium and source do not match any channel description, they appear under Other. CMP captures this in the following way (and is case-sensitive).
Sessions don't match any channel description.
- Pixel published on the article page
- CMP JavaScript on page
Paid Search – This traffic is defined as visitors coming from a link in a paid ad in a search engine, such as Google or Bing. CMP captures this in the following way (and is case-sensitive).
Medium matches regex ^(cpc|ppc|paidsearch)$ AND Ad Distribution Network does not exactly match Content
- Pixel published on the article page
- CMP will not show up as [referral] unless tagged with
. CMP captures this in the following way (and is case-sensitive).
Medium exactly matches referral
- Pixel published on the article page
- CMP JavaScript on page
Social – Counts the traffic that originates from social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and so on. The more users who share your content, the greater the chances of visitors coming to your site from the shared links on the various social media platforms. CMP captures this in the following way (and is case-sensitive).
Social Source Referral exactly matches Yes OR Medium matches regex ^(social|social-network|social-media|sm|social network|social media)$
- Pixel published on the article page
- CMP JavaScript on page
To view return on investment (ROI) metrics, you must first integrate Marketo, Eloqua, or Salesforce into your Content Marketing Platform (CMP) instance.
Leads Generated – The number of visitors who visited content and then converted into a lead or contact during the reporting period.
Leads generated are visitors who viewed content on your site, then subsequently were converted into an Eloqua contact or Marketo lead by filling out a sign-up or subscription form connected to that system. To count in this figure, they must have converted to a lead within 24 hours of visiting content.
- Marketo or Eloqua integration and Marketo or Eloqua JavaScript on page
- Pixel published on the article page
- CMP JavaScript on page
Leads Reached – The number of existing leads or contacts who visited content during the reporting period.
Leads reached represent the number of Eloqua contacts or Marketo leads that viewed one or more pieces of content (each lead or contact is counted only once in this summary figure, no matter the number of articles they viewed). They must have already been a contact or lead when they viewed the content.
- Marketo or Eloqua integration and Marketo or Eloqua JavaScript on page
- Pixel published on the article page
- CMP JavaScript on page
Pipeline Generated – The revenue associated with opportunities created after a lead reads content.
The content-generated pipeline is the sum of the Amount field of opportunities in Salesforce (of any status, including open, closed/won, closed/lost) created after a lead reads a piece of content within a year before the reporting period. To appear in this figure, the lead must also be a contact on that Salesforce opportunity created during the reporting period set at the top of the screen.
- Salesforce integration
- Marketo or Eloqua integration and Marketo or Eloqua JavaScript on page
- Pixel published on the article page
- CMP JavaScript on page
Pipeline Influenced – The revenue associated with opportunities whose contacts interacted with content during the reporting period.
The content-influenced pipeline is the sum of the Amount field of all Salesforce opportunities that were open at any point during the reporting period set at the top of the screen. To appear in this figure, a contact on the opportunity must have interacted with a piece of content during the reporting period.
- Salesforce integration
- Marketo or Eloqua integration and Marketo or Eloqua JavaScript on page
- Pixel published on the article page
- CMP JavaScript on page
Revenue Influenced – The revenue associated with closed/won opportunities whose contacts interacted with content at any point before the opportunity closed.
The content-influenced revenue is the sum of the Amount field of opportunities in Salesforce that were closed/won during the reporting period set at the top of the screen. To appear in this figure, a contact on the opportunity must have interacted with a piece of content at any point.
- Salesforce integration
- Marketo or Eloqua integration and Marketo or Eloqua JavaScript on page
- Pixel published on the article page
- CMP JavaScript on page
Content Marketing Platform (CMP) refreshes metrics at 24-hour intervals. You must wait up to 24 hours before observing the changes within the analytics module.
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